Getting Better

About five and a half years ago, I started drawing again after a ten year hiatus. It’s been a fun, frustrating, frivolous, and fulfilling time. I use an app on my phone called, TimeHop. It shows me posts from previous years. Today, I noticed a drawing I did 4 years ago and I decided to see what I would do now. Below is a meeting sketch. I used a Kuretake 24 squeezable brush pen.




via Jay Myers

New Art

I am going to try, again, to post more often to my site and keep it updated. I know there are some people that follow my site’s updates and I want to also give them some love.


Hello, my name is… oh nevermind… you chased my father, now prepare to die.


Lamar was the last of his kind. A warring lemur. His steed was also the last of its kind and together they protected the world until the day they died.


Whew! Hahaha! Man, that’s what I call a swingin’ party!

I hope you all had a great weekend.


via Jay Myers

Giant Storm


A giant wakes up and as he has done for hundreds of years he proceeds to ravage the islands where he has made his home. As he makes his way he sees something, a tiny something, moving toward him while all else flees his presence. 

He is captivated by this daring creature and this sets up a stand off between a giant storm and a brave little girl. 

via Jay Myers

The Majesty

Here are some character designs I created for a short story. I don’t do a lot with rhyme and verse, but I have been doing more. Both the designs and story are still in the rough stage. But, I like where both of them are headed. I hope you enjoy.

The spirits were weeping as they climbed the mountain over rugged terrain.
They were weighed down and heavy as they left their last domain.

They carried with them upon their backs,
the weight of their world
in cluttered packs.
At once, the skies grew dark and a storm unfurled.
Then was unleashed an unfettered attack.

The cry came from way below.
Then the lovers of death began to show.
And so,
the spirits were trapped because they moved too slow.

A voice from above rung through the clouds.
“Remove your packs, for crying out loud!”

The spirits all trembled, yet some obeyed.
Those floated upward while the others just stayed.
And gazed.

The attackers swarmed them like ants on grain.
But the weighed down ones could only cried out the name.

With that, the storm split apart as Fire shot down.
It created a barrier that swirled all around.
Around those who were weighed way down to the ground.

Then the Majesty stepped out into his consuming fire,
And he removed from the spirits the packs of latent desire.

Then the Majesty swooped up all the spirit who’re left.
And then he wiped out all the attackers:
Those lovers of death.

via Jay Myers


Welcome to the New Year—I hope it’s behaving well enough for you.

I have giants on my mind. Through December I was trying to decide if I was going to continue to pursue this art path of Author/Illustrator. In that time, I gave up drawing altogether. It was a giant decision that I had to determine if it belonged in our home and with our family.

My family and I prayed. The month came and went and I still didn’t have an answer—until the first week of January when we as a family decided yes, I would continue. My first real drawing was titled, Roam:


No place to lay his head—
ever forced to roam.
Wearily carrying his home—
Longing for hearth and bed.

Keeping with that theme I finished this piece last night entitled, Mountain Born:


A giant is born of mountain.
The first sound he hears are destruction and decimation.
Into this world he climbs with none to care.
His heart is stone from birth.
But he longs to be known.
To have a home.

via Jay Myers