★ On Honesty: Artist Kindling Letter From MrJayMyers

Hey all! I’ve been absent for a month or so. I hope you all had great holidays and New Year beginnings. Most of us, if we’re honest, try to do some kind of resolution—and then fail it, and then feel bad about it, and then give ourselves a hard time about it.

However, honesty isn’t telling ourselves that we suck—as artists or people. Honesty happens when we take a true look at our place in this world and seeing how far we’ve come—as well as how far we have yet to go.

If we are honest, we can admit to some point of pain (or a lot), that we have had to face and get through in order to move closer to the best version of ourselves—and not just give in to the compromised one. This has everything to do with who we are as artists.

Our lives feed our art. Our art feeds our lives. It is the burning in our chests of the stories we have to tell. Life is hard, but the good news (kind of) is that it’s meant to be—it’s the sharpening of the pencil to a point. Honesty in the midst of the challenges we face is the quickest and least destructive path to the other side. Honesty enables us to move forward in our truest purposes, even if at first it looks, feels, and tastes like a set back, usually it’s not, usually it’s a huge leap forward—that we can’t see until we look back. What’s tough and hard for us will in turn out to be a blessing to those who are watching our lives as well. We need to be honest, face our fears, live humble.

Here’s how we put it in Thirteen Commitments for Artists to Cultivate Inspiration: “I commit to honesty, believing it will be the quickest, least destructive and most inspiring path to the other side of fears, challenges, and lies—for myself and those I love. A true life will foster my most impactful art.” Get your free copy here.

Recent Art:

Have a great week everyone. Create, be happy, create more,


Subscribe to get the free one page PDF: Thirteen Commitments for Artists to Cultivate Inspiration. My wife and I have packed it full for you.

Jay Myers: Curtesy of Raynna Myers

Please share this with anyone else you think may be encouraged by these kind of updates. Thanks!

Other ways to connect (MrJayMyers): Twitter , FaceBook and Instagram.

Check out my free western fairytale webcomic: The Adventures of Tomy and JonOr buy your own copy here.


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via http://www.mrjaymyers.com/2017/01/on-honesty-artist-kindling-letter-from-mrjaymyers/